The Water Festival for 2019 was the third Water Festival event in Pokémon GO.[1]
New Charged Attack Crabhammer is available for Kingler and Crawdaunt.
Half buddy distance for
Water-type Pokémon
- Half buddy distance for Water-type Pokémon
Water-type Pokémon spawn increased
- Water-type Pokémon spawn increased
A special raid hour happened on August 28th from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. featuring the Lake Guardians Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf in their respective regions.
Featured Pokémon[]
These Pokémon had increased spawn rates in the wild and from Incense or Lure Modules:
These Pokémon had increased spawn rates in the wild around water:
These Pokémon would hatch from 2-km and 5-km Pokémon Eggs obtained during the event:
These Raid Bosses were available during the event:
Boss CP 2,856
Max capture CP
555 694
Boss CP 5,660
Max capture CP
892 1,115
Boss CP 2,020
Max capture CP
342 427
Boss CP 2,583
Max capture CP
437 546
Boss CP 3,369
Max capture CP
838 1,048
Boss CP 19,055
Max capture CP
1,722 2,153
Boss CP 6,029
Max capture CP
1,172 1,465
Boss CP 12,481
Max capture CP
1,015 1,269
Boss CP 1,077
Max capture CP
157 196
Boss CP 4,440
Max capture CP
726 907
Boss CP 16,848
Max capture CP
1,306 1,633
Boss CP 19,707
Max capture CP
1,746 2,183
Boss CP 17,511
Max capture CP
1,779 2,225
Boss CP 9,847
Max capture CP
907 1,134
Boss CP 15,324
Max capture CP
1,246 1,558
Boss CP 16,628
Max capture CP
1,409 1,761
Boss CP 13,525
Max capture CP
1,048 1,311
Boss CP 14,847
Max capture CP
1,509 1,886
Boss CP 23,779
Max capture CP
2,191 2,739
Boss CP 18,195
Max capture CP
1,443 1,805
Field Research event tasks[]
These Field Research tasks were available during the event:
Catch 10 Water-type Pokémon
Avatar items[]
Shop special offer[]
These offers were available from the shop during the event:[2]
Special Box
Ultra Box
Adventure Box