Torkoal is a Fire-type region-exclusive Pokémon from the Hoenn region. It does not evolve into or from any other Pokémon.
Pokédex description[]
Coal Pokémon
Torkoal digs through mountains in search of coal. If it finds some, it fills hollow spaces on its shell with the coal and burns it. If it is attacked, this Pokémon spouts thick black smoke to beat a retreat.
► - Torkoal's cry
Possible attacks[]
Fast attacks[]
10 (10) / 7
13 (13) / 11
Charged attacks[]
140 (40) / 110
160 (40) / 130
180 (36) / 150
Evolution family[]
Torkoal is part of a one-member family.
- Torkoal was released along with the release of Hoenn-region Desert-themed Pokémon on January 23rd, 2018.
- It is available only in the South Asian region including India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and the United Arab Emirates.
- Shiny form of Torkoal was released at the start of Pokémon GO Tour: Hoenn - Las Vegas on February 18th, 2023.
Method | Maximum CP | Details |
Wild |
1,794 1,943 (weather boosted) |
In wild since 2018 Jan 23
Increased spawns in: |
Eggs |
1,196 |
Increased chance/Previously in: |
Research tasks |
897 | Special Research/Timed Research: Pokémon GO Fest 2022 - Completing 5th part |
External links[]
- Torkoal page, on the official Pokédex website
- Torkoal article, on Bulbapedia
- Torkoal article, on the Pokémon Wiki
Bulbasaur |
Ivysaur |
Venusaur |
Charmander |
Charmeleon |
Charizard |
Squirtle |
Wartortle |
Blastoise |
Caterpie |
Metapod |
Butterfree |
Weedle |
Kakuna |
Beedrill |
Pidgey |
Pidgeotto |
Pidgeot |
Rattata |
Raticate |
Spearow |
Fearow |
Ekans |
Arbok |
Pikachu |
Raichu |
Sandshrew |
Sandslash |
Nidoran♀ |
Nidorina |
Nidoqueen |
Nidoran♂ |
Nidorino |
Nidoking |
Clefairy |
Clefable |
Vulpix |
Ninetales |
Jigglypuff |
Wigglytuff |
Zubat |
Golbat |
Oddish |
Gloom |
Vileplume |
Paras |
Parasect |
Venonat |
Venomoth |
Diglett |
Dugtrio |
Meowth |
Persian |
Psyduck |
Golduck |
Mankey |
Primeape |
Growlithe |
Arcanine |
Poliwag |
Poliwhirl |
Poliwrath |
Abra |
Kadabra |
Alakazam |
Machop |
Machoke |
Machamp |
Bellsprout |
Weepinbell |
Victreebel |
Tentacool |
Tentacruel |
Geodude |
Graveler |
Golem |
Ponyta |
Rapidash |
Slowpoke |
Slowbro |
Magnemite |
Magneton |
Farfetch'd |
Doduo |
Dodrio |
Seel |
Dewgong |
Grimer |
Muk |
Shellder |
Cloyster |
Gastly |
Haunter |
Gengar |
Onix |
Drowzee |
Hypno |
Krabby |
Kingler |
Voltorb |
Electrode |
Exeggcute |
Exeggutor |
Cubone |
Marowak |
Hitmonlee |
Hitmonchan |
Lickitung |
Koffing |
Weezing |
Rhyhorn |
Rhydon |
Chansey |
Tangela |
Kangaskhan |
Horsea |
Seadra |
Goldeen |
Seaking |
Staryu |
Starmie |
Mr. Mime |
Scyther |
Jynx |
Electabuzz |
Magmar |
Pinsir |
Tauros |
Magikarp |
Gyarados |
Lapras |
Ditto |
Eevee |
Vaporeon |
Jolteon |
Flareon |
Porygon |
Omanyte |
Omastar |
Kabuto |
Kabutops |
Aerodactyl |
Snorlax |
Articuno |
Zapdos |
Moltres |
Dratini |
Dragonair |
Dragonite |
Mewtwo |
Mew |
Chikorita |
Bayleef |
Meganium |
Cyndaquil |
Quilava |
Typhlosion |
Totodile |
Croconaw |
Feraligatr |
Sentret |
Furret |
Hoothoot |
Noctowl |
Ledyba |
Ledian |
Spinarak |
Ariados |
Crobat |
Chinchou |
Lanturn |
Pichu |
Cleffa |
Igglybuff |
Togepi |
Togetic |
Natu |
Xatu |
Mareep |
Flaaffy |
Ampharos |
Bellossom |
Marill |
Azumarill |
Sudowoodo |
Politoed |
Hoppip |
Skiploom |
Jumpluff |
Aipom |
Sunkern |
Sunflora |
Yanma |
Wooper |
Quagsire |
Espeon |
Umbreon |
Murkrow |
Slowking |
Misdreavus |
Unown |
Wobbuffet |
Girafarig |
Pineco |
Forretress |
Dunsparce |
Gligar |
Steelix |
Snubbull |
Granbull |
Qwilfish |
Scizor |
Shuckle |
Heracross |
Sneasel |
Teddiursa |
Ursaring |
Slugma |
Magcargo |
Swinub |
Piloswine |
Corsola |
Remoraid |
Octillery |
Delibird |
Mantine |
Skarmory |
Houndour |
Houndoom |
Kingdra |
Phanpy |
Donphan |
Porygon2 |
Stantler |
Smeargle |
Tyrogue |
Hitmontop |
Smoochum |
Elekid |
Magby |
Miltank |
Blissey |
Raikou |
Entei |
Suicune |
Larvitar |
Pupitar |
Tyranitar |
Lugia |
Ho-Oh |
Celebi |
Treecko |
Grovyle |
Sceptile |
Torchic |
Combusken |
Blaziken |
Mudkip |
Marshtomp |
Swampert |
Poochyena |
Mightyena |
Zigzagoon |
Linoone |
Wurmple |
Silcoon |
Beautifly |
Cascoon |
Dustox |
Lotad |
Lombre |
Ludicolo |
Seedot |
Nuzleaf |
Shiftry |
Taillow |
Swellow |
Wingull |
Pelipper |
Ralts |
Kirlia |
Gardevoir |
Surskit |
Masquerain |
Shroomish |
Breloom |
Slakoth |
Vigoroth |
Slaking |
Nincada |
Ninjask |
Shedinja |
Whismur |
Loudred |
Exploud |
Makuhita |
Hariyama |
Azurill |
Nosepass |
Skitty |
Delcatty |
Sableye |
Mawile |
Aron |
Lairon |
Aggron |
Meditite |
Medicham |
Electrike |
Manectric |
Plusle |
Minun |
Volbeat |
Illumise |
Roselia |
Gulpin |
Swalot |
Carvanha |
Sharpedo |
Wailmer |
Wailord |
Numel |
Camerupt |
Torkoal |
Spoink |
Grumpig |
Spinda |
Trapinch |
Vibrava |
Flygon |
Cacnea |
Cacturne |
Swablu |
Altaria |
Zangoose |
Seviper |
Lunatone |
Solrock |
Barboach |
Whiscash |
Corphish |
Crawdaunt |
Baltoy |
Claydol |
Lileep |
Cradily |
Anorith |
Armaldo |
Feebas |
Milotic |
Castform |
Kecleon |
Shuppet |
Banette |
Duskull |
Dusclops |
Tropius |
Chimecho |
Absol |
Wynaut |
Snorunt |
Glalie |
Spheal |
Sealeo |
Walrein |
Clamperl |
Huntail |
Gorebyss |
Relicanth |
Luvdisc |
Bagon |
Shelgon |
Salamence |
Beldum |
Metang |
Metagross |
Regirock |
Regice |
Registeel |
Latias |
Latios |
Kyogre |
Groudon |
Rayquaza |
Jirachi |
Deoxys |
Turtwig |
Grotle |
Torterra |
Chimchar |
Monferno |
Infernape |
Piplup |
Prinplup |
Empoleon |
Starly |
Staravia |
Staraptor |
Bidoof |
Bibarel |
Kricketot |
Kricketune |
Shinx |
Luxio |
Luxray |
Budew |
Roserade |
Cranidos |
Rampardos |
Shieldon |
Bastiodon |
Burmy |
Wormadam |
Mothim |
Combee |
Vespiquen |
Pachirisu |
Buizel |
Floatzel |
Cherubi |
Cherrim |
Shellos |
Gastrodon |
Ambipom |
Drifloon |
Drifblim |
Buneary |
Lopunny |
Mismagius |
Honchkrow |
Glameow |
Purugly |
Chingling |
Stunky |
Skuntank |
Bronzor |
Bronzong |
Bonsly |
Mime Jr. |
Happiny |
Chatot |
Spiritomb |
Gible |
Gabite |
Garchomp |
Munchlax |
Riolu |
Lucario |
Hippopotas |
Hippowdon |
Skorupi |
Drapion |
Croagunk |
Toxicroak |
Carnivine |
Finneon |
Lumineon |
Mantyke |
Snover |
Abomasnow |
Weavile |
Magnezone |
Lickilicky |
Rhyperior |
Tangrowth |
Electivire |
Magmortar |
Togekiss |
Yanmega |
Leafeon |
Glaceon |
Gliscor |
Mamoswine |
Porygon-Z |
Gallade |
Probopass |
Dusknoir |
Froslass |
Rotom |
Uxie |
Mesprit |
Azelf |
Dialga |
Palkia |
Heatran |
Regigigas |
Giratina |
Cresselia |
Phione |
Manaphy |
Darkrai |
Shaymin |
Arceus |
Victini |
Snivy |
Servine |
Serperior |
Tepig |
Pignite |
Emboar |
Oshawott |
Dewott |
Samurott |
Patrat |
Watchog |
Lillipup |
Herdier |
Stoutland |
Purrloin |
Liepard |
Pansage |
Simisage |
Pansear |
Simisear |
Panpour |
Simipour |
Munna |
Musharna |
Pidove |
Tranquill |
Unfezant |
Blitzle |
Zebstrika |
Roggenrola |
Boldore |
Gigalith |
Woobat |
Swoobat |
Drilbur |
Excadrill |
Audino |
Timburr |
Gurdurr |
Conkeldurr |
Tympole |
Palpitoad |
Seismitoad |
Throh |
Sawk |
Sewaddle |
Swadloon |
Leavanny |
Venipede |
Whirlipede |
Scolipede |
Cottonee |
Whimsicott |
Petilil |
Lilligant |
Basculin |
Sandile |
Krokorok |
Krookodile |
Darumaka |
Darmanitan |
Maractus |
Dwebble |
Crustle |
Scraggy |
Scrafty |
Sigilyph |
Yamask |
Cofagrigus |
Tirtouga |
Carracosta |
Archen |
Archeops |
Trubbish |
Garbodor |
Zorua |
Zoroark |
Minccino |
Cinccino |
Gothita |
Gothorita |
Gothitelle |
Solosis |
Duosion |
Reuniclus |
Ducklett |
Swanna |
Vanillite |
Vanillish |
Vanilluxe |
Deerling |
Sawsbuck |
Emolga |
Karrablast |
Escavalier |
Foongus |
Amoonguss |
Frillish |
Jellicent |
Alomomola |
Joltik |
Galvantula |
Ferroseed |
Ferrothorn |
Klink |
Klang |
Klinklang |
Tynamo |
Eelektrik |
Eelektross |
Elgyem |
Beheeyem |
Litwick |
Lampent |
Chandelure |
Axew |
Fraxure |
Haxorus |
Cubchoo |
Beartic |
Cryogonal |
Shelmet |
Accelgor |
Stunfisk |
Mienfoo |
Mienshao |
Druddigon |
Golett |
Golurk |
Pawniard |
Bisharp |
Bouffalant |
Rufflet |
Braviary |
Vullaby |
Mandibuzz |
Heatmor |
Durant |
Deino |
Zweilous |
Hydreigon |
Larvesta |
Volcarona |
Cobalion |
Terrakion |
Virizion |
Tornadus |
Thundurus |
Reshiram |
Zekrom |
Landorus |
Kyurem |
Keldeo |
Meloetta |
Genesect |
Chespin |
Quilladin |
Chesnaught |
Fennekin |
Braixen |
Delphox |
Froakie |
Frogadier |
Greninja |
Bunnelby |
Diggersby |
Fletchling |
Fletchinder |
Talonflame |
Scatterbug |
Spewpa |
Vivillon |
Litleo |
Pyroar |
Flabébé |
Floette |
Florges |
Skiddo |
Gogoat |
Pancham |
Pangoro |
Furfrou |
Espurr |
Meowstic |
Honedge |
Doublade |
Aegislash |
Spritzee |
Aromatisse |
Swirlix |
Slurpuff |
Inkay |
Malamar |
Binacle |
Barbaracle |
Skrelp |
Dragalge |
Clauncher |
Clawitzer |
Helioptile |
Heliolisk |
Tyrunt |
Tyrantrum |
Amaura |
Aurorus |
Sylveon |
Hawlucha |
Dedenne |
Carbink |
Goomy |
Sliggoo |
Goodra |
Klefki |
Phantump |
Trevenant |
Pumpkaboo |
Gourgeist |
Bergmite |
Avalugg |
Noibat |
Noivern |
Xerneas |
Yveltal |
Zygarde |
Diancie |
Hoopa |
Volcanion |
Rowlet |
Dartrix |
Decidueye |
Litten |
Torracat |
Incineroar |
Popplio |
Brionne |
Primarina |
Pikipek |
Trumbeak |
Toucannon |
Yungoos |
Gumshoos |
Grubbin |
Charjabug |
Vikavolt |
Crabrawler |
Crabominable |
Oricorio |
Cutiefly |
Ribombee |
Rockruff |
Lycanroc |
Wishiwashi |
Mareanie |
Toxapex |
Mudbray |
Mudsdale |
Dewpider |
Araquanid |
Fomantis |
Lurantis |
Morelull |
Shiinotic |
Salandit |
Salazzle |
Stufful |
Bewear |
Bounsweet |
Steenee |
Tsareena |
Comfey |
Oranguru |
Passimian |
Wimpod |
Golisopod |
Sandygast |
Palossand |
Pyukumuku |
Komala |
Turtonator |
Togedemaru |
Bruxish |
Drampa |
Jangmo-o |
Hakamo-o |
Kommo-o |
Tapu Koko |
Tapu Lele |
Tapu Bulu |
Tapu Fini |
Cosmog |
Cosmoem |
Solgaleo |
Lunala |
Nihilego |
Buzzwole |
Pheromosa |
Xurkitree |
Celesteela |
Kartana |
Guzzlord |
Necrozma |
Marshadow |
Poipole |
Naganadel |
Stakataka |
Blacephalon |
Grookey |
Thwackey |
Rillaboom |
Scorbunny |
Raboot |
Cinderace |
Sobble |
Drizzile |
Inteleon |
Skwovet |
Greedent |
Rookidee |
Corvisquire |
Corviknight |
Wooloo |
Dubwool |
Toxel |
Toxtricity |
Sinistea |
Polteageist |
Hatenna |
Hattrem |
Hatterene |
Obstagoon |
Perrserker |
Cursola |
Sirfetch'd |
Mr. Rime |
Runerigus |
Falinks |
Stonjourner |
Morpeko |
Dreepy |
Drakloak |
Dragapult |
Zacian |
Zamazenta |
Zarude |
Regieleki |
Regidrago |
Sprigatito |
Floragato |
Meowscarada |
Fuecoco |
Crocalor |
Skeledirge |
Quaxly |
Quaxwell |
Quaquaval |
Lechonk |
Oinkologne |
Nymble |
Lokix |
Pawmi |
Pawmo |
Pawmot |
Tandemaus |
Maushold |
Fidough |
Dachsbun |
Smoliv |
Dolliv |
Arboliva |
Charcadet |
Armarouge |
Ceruledge |
Tadbulb |
Bellibolt |
Shroodle |
Grafaiai |
Wiglett |
Wugtrio |
Bombirdier |
Varoom |
Revavroom |
Greavard |
Houndstone |
Cetoddle |
Cetitan |
Annihilape |
Clodsire |
Frigibax |
Arctibax |
Baxcalibur |
Gimmighoul |
Gholdengo |
Pokémon groups
Legendary Pokémon • Mythical Pokémon • Ultra Beast • Shiny Pokémon • Lucky Pokémon • Shadow Pokémon • Region-exclusive Pokémon • Starter Pokémon • Baby Pokémon • Fossil Pokémon
List of Pokémon (by release date • by Pokédex data • by statistics • by evolution family • by gender ratio) • Pokémon with different forms • Pokémon with gender differences • List of Shiny Pokémon (Comparison)