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Ting-Lu is a Dark, Ground-type Legendary Pokémon from the Paldea region. It does not evolve into or from any other Pokémon. Along with Wo-Chien, Chien-Pao, and Chi-Yu, it is a member of the Treasures of Ruin.

Pokédex description[]

Ruinous Pokémon
The fear poured into an ancient ritual vessel has clad itself in rocks and dirt to become a Pokémon.
- Ting-Lu's cry

Possible attacks[]

Fast attacks[]

Icon Ground
4 (8) / 4
Icon Dark
11 (11) / 5

Charged attacks[]

Icon Ground
80 (23) / 45
Icon Dark
80 (27) / 80
Icon Ground
140 (40) / 110

Evolution family[]

Ting-Lu is part of a one-member family.

#1003 Ting-Lu

#1003 Ting-Lu


  • Ting-Lu has not been released yet.

External links[]

  • Ting-Lu page, on the official Pokédex website
  • Ting-Lu article, on Bulbapedia
  • Ting-Lu article, on the Pokémon Wiki