Pokémon GO Wiki
Pokémon GO Wiki
Technical Machines

Technical Machines (TMs for short) are items Trainers can use to permanently teach a Pokémon a new random Fast Attack or Charged Attack.

There are two types of Technical Machines corresponding two types of attacks in the game:

  • Fast TMs for Fast Attacks
  • and Charged TMs for Charged Attacks.

They can be obtained as a reward from winning a Raid Battle, completing research tasks or completing a Trainer Battle.

GO Battle League introduced Elite Fast TM and Elite Charged TM. They can select a specific attack to teach Pokémon, including exclusive moves, which is not possible from Standard TMs.[1] They can be obtained from end-of-season rewards in GO Battle League if the Trainers rank was high enough or purchased in the Shop during special events.

Certain attacks on specific Pokémon cannot be taught via Elite TMs. Some require a specific Special Attack Item, and some are unavailable completely.

See List of exclusive moves for a list of moves available from Elite TMs.


Fast TM[]

Fast TM
TM that can be used to teach a Pokémon a new, random Fast Attack.

In-game description
This Technical Machine item is used to teach your Pokémon a new Fast Attack. Your Pokémon will acquire a new Fast Attack and forget their old Fast Attack.

Charged TM[]

Charged TM
TM that can be used to teach a Pokémon a new, random Charged Attack.

In-game description
This item works like the Fast TM but it teaches the Charged Attack instead of a Fast Attack. Remember, to use a charged attack you need to select the element button underneath the bar.

Elite Fast TM[]

Elite Fast TM
TM that can be used to teach a Pokémon a new, handpicked Fast Attack, including exclusive moves.

In-game description
This Technical Machine lets you choose a Fast Attack to teach to a Pokémon.

Elite Charged TM[]

Elite Charged TM
TM that can be used to teach a Pokémon a new, handpicked Charged Attack, including exclusive moves.

In-game description
This Technical Machine lets you choose a Charged Attack to teach to a Pokémon.


  • TM cannot be used on Pokémon with a single move (e.g. Unown, etc.).[1]
  • TM will not teach a Pokémon the same attack that is being forgotten.
  • If the Pokémon has two Charged Attacks, Trainer has to select which move to be re-rolled.
  • Learning an exclusive move will not grant the ability to use Standard TMs to learn the same move again if it is forgotten.
  • Exclusive moves appear to be placed on top of the move selection screen, followed by a bunch of standard moves.


  1. 1.0 1.1 NianticGeorge. (June 21, 2017). Will TMs be able to re-roll legacy moves?. /r/TheSilphRoad/. Retrieved on 2017-06-22.
