Sneasler is a Fighting, Poison-type Pokémon from the Hisui region. It evolves from Hisuian Sneasel after being fed 100 candies during the daytime in game and has walked 7 km as a Buddy Pokémon.
Pokédex description[]
Free Climb Pokémon
Because of Sneasler’s virulent poison and daunting physical prowess, no other species could hope to best it on the frozen highlands. Preferring solitude, this species does not form packs.
► - Sneasler's cry
Possible attacks[]
Fast attacks[]
13 (13) / 7
17 (11) / 9
6 (12) / 6
Charged attacks[]
55 (22) / 55
105 (42) / 100
45 (30) / 65
Evolution family[]
Sneasler is part of a two-member family.
- Sneasler was released at the start of Hisuian Discoveries on July 27th, 2022.
- Shiny form of Sneasler was released at the start of Along the Routes on December 5th, 2023.
- Shadow form of Sneasler was released at the start of Halloween 2023 Part 2 on October 26th, 2023.
- Sneasler can be acquired by evolution only.
- Shadow Sneasler was erroneously released during the Noxious Swamp event in some timezones[1] prior to its official release during the second part of Halloween 2023.
- ↑ Hisui Sneasel missing Shadow Aura. r/TheSilphRoad. Retrieved on 2023-08-21.
External links[]
- Sneasler page, on the official Pokédex website
- Sneasler article, on Bulbapedia
- Sneasler article, on the Pokémon Wiki
Bulbasaur |
Ivysaur |
Venusaur |
Charmander |
Charmeleon |
Charizard |
Squirtle |
Wartortle |
Blastoise |
Caterpie |
Metapod |
Butterfree |
Weedle |
Kakuna |
Beedrill |
Pidgey |
Pidgeotto |
Pidgeot |
Rattata |
Raticate |
Spearow |
Fearow |
Ekans |
Arbok |
Pikachu |
Raichu |
Sandshrew |
Sandslash |
Nidoran♀ |
Nidorina |
Nidoqueen |
Nidoran♂ |
Nidorino |
Nidoking |
Clefairy |
Clefable |
Vulpix |
Ninetales |
Jigglypuff |
Wigglytuff |
Zubat |
Golbat |
Oddish |
Gloom |
Vileplume |
Paras |
Parasect |
Venonat |
Venomoth |
Diglett |
Dugtrio |
Meowth |
Persian |
Psyduck |
Golduck |
Mankey |
Primeape |
Growlithe |
Arcanine |
Poliwag |
Poliwhirl |
Poliwrath |
Abra |
Kadabra |
Alakazam |
Machop |
Machoke |
Machamp |
Bellsprout |
Weepinbell |
Victreebel |
Tentacool |
Tentacruel |
Geodude |
Graveler |
Golem |
Ponyta |
Rapidash |
Slowpoke |
Slowbro |
Magnemite |
Magneton |
Farfetch'd |
Doduo |
Dodrio |
Seel |
Dewgong |
Grimer |
Muk |
Shellder |
Cloyster |
Gastly |
Haunter |
Gengar |
Onix |
Drowzee |
Hypno |
Krabby |
Kingler |
Voltorb |
Electrode |
Exeggcute |
Exeggutor |
Cubone |
Marowak |
Hitmonlee |
Hitmonchan |
Lickitung |
Koffing |
Weezing |
Rhyhorn |
Rhydon |
Chansey |
Tangela |
Kangaskhan |
Horsea |
Seadra |
Goldeen |
Seaking |
Staryu |
Starmie |
Mr. Mime |
Scyther |
Jynx |
Electabuzz |
Magmar |
Pinsir |
Tauros |
Magikarp |
Gyarados |
Lapras |
Ditto |
Eevee |
Vaporeon |
Jolteon |
Flareon |
Porygon |
Omanyte |
Omastar |
Kabuto |
Kabutops |
Aerodactyl |
Snorlax |
Articuno |
Zapdos |
Moltres |
Dratini |
Dragonair |
Dragonite |
Mewtwo |
Mew |
Chikorita |
Bayleef |
Meganium |
Cyndaquil |
Quilava |
Typhlosion |
Totodile |
Croconaw |
Feraligatr |
Sentret |
Furret |
Hoothoot |
Noctowl |
Ledyba |
Ledian |
Spinarak |
Ariados |
Crobat |
Chinchou |
Lanturn |
Pichu |
Cleffa |
Igglybuff |
Togepi |
Togetic |
Natu |
Xatu |
Mareep |
Flaaffy |
Ampharos |
Bellossom |
Marill |
Azumarill |
Sudowoodo |
Politoed |
Hoppip |
Skiploom |
Jumpluff |
Aipom |
Sunkern |
Sunflora |
Yanma |
Wooper |
Quagsire |
Espeon |
Umbreon |
Murkrow |
Slowking |
Misdreavus |
Unown |
Wobbuffet |
Girafarig |
Pineco |
Forretress |
Dunsparce |
Gligar |
Steelix |
Snubbull |
Granbull |
Qwilfish |
Scizor |
Shuckle |
Heracross |
Sneasel |
Teddiursa |
Ursaring |
Slugma |
Magcargo |
Swinub |
Piloswine |
Corsola |
Remoraid |
Octillery |
Delibird |
Mantine |
Skarmory |
Houndour |
Houndoom |
Kingdra |
Phanpy |
Donphan |
Porygon2 |
Stantler |
Smeargle |
Tyrogue |
Hitmontop |
Smoochum |
Elekid |
Magby |
Miltank |
Blissey |
Raikou |
Entei |
Suicune |
Larvitar |
Pupitar |
Tyranitar |
Lugia |
Ho-Oh |
Celebi |
Treecko |
Grovyle |
Sceptile |
Torchic |
Combusken |
Blaziken |
Mudkip |
Marshtomp |
Swampert |
Poochyena |
Mightyena |
Zigzagoon |
Linoone |
Wurmple |
Silcoon |
Beautifly |
Cascoon |
Dustox |
Lotad |
Lombre |
Ludicolo |
Seedot |
Nuzleaf |
Shiftry |
Taillow |
Swellow |
Wingull |
Pelipper |
Ralts |
Kirlia |
Gardevoir |
Surskit |
Masquerain |
Shroomish |
Breloom |
Slakoth |
Vigoroth |
Slaking |
Nincada |
Ninjask |
Shedinja |
Whismur |
Loudred |
Exploud |
Makuhita |
Hariyama |
Azurill |
Nosepass |
Skitty |
Delcatty |
Sableye |
Mawile |
Aron |
Lairon |
Aggron |
Meditite |
Medicham |
Electrike |
Manectric |
Plusle |
Minun |
Volbeat |
Illumise |
Roselia |
Gulpin |
Swalot |
Carvanha |
Sharpedo |
Wailmer |
Wailord |
Numel |
Camerupt |
Torkoal |
Spoink |
Grumpig |
Spinda |
Trapinch |
Vibrava |
Flygon |
Cacnea |
Cacturne |
Swablu |
Altaria |
Zangoose |
Seviper |
Lunatone |
Solrock |
Barboach |
Whiscash |
Corphish |
Crawdaunt |
Baltoy |
Claydol |
Lileep |
Cradily |
Anorith |
Armaldo |
Feebas |
Milotic |
Castform |
Kecleon |
Shuppet |
Banette |
Duskull |
Dusclops |
Tropius |
Chimecho |
Absol |
Wynaut |
Snorunt |
Glalie |
Spheal |
Sealeo |
Walrein |
Clamperl |
Huntail |
Gorebyss |
Relicanth |
Luvdisc |
Bagon |
Shelgon |
Salamence |
Beldum |
Metang |
Metagross |
Regirock |
Regice |
Registeel |
Latias |
Latios |
Kyogre |
Groudon |
Rayquaza |
Jirachi |
Deoxys |
Turtwig |
Grotle |
Torterra |
Chimchar |
Monferno |
Infernape |
Piplup |
Prinplup |
Empoleon |
Starly |
Staravia |
Staraptor |
Bidoof |
Bibarel |
Kricketot |
Kricketune |
Shinx |
Luxio |
Luxray |
Budew |
Roserade |
Cranidos |
Rampardos |
Shieldon |
Bastiodon |
Burmy |
Wormadam |
Mothim |
Combee |
Vespiquen |
Pachirisu |
Buizel |
Floatzel |
Cherubi |
Cherrim |
Shellos |
Gastrodon |
Ambipom |
Drifloon |
Drifblim |
Buneary |
Lopunny |
Mismagius |
Honchkrow |
Glameow |
Purugly |
Chingling |
Stunky |
Skuntank |
Bronzor |
Bronzong |
Bonsly |
Mime Jr. |
Happiny |
Chatot |
Spiritomb |
Gible |
Gabite |
Garchomp |
Munchlax |
Riolu |
Lucario |
Hippopotas |
Hippowdon |
Skorupi |
Drapion |
Croagunk |
Toxicroak |
Carnivine |
Finneon |
Lumineon |
Mantyke |
Snover |
Abomasnow |
Weavile |
Magnezone |
Lickilicky |
Rhyperior |
Tangrowth |
Electivire |
Magmortar |
Togekiss |
Yanmega |
Leafeon |
Glaceon |
Gliscor |
Mamoswine |
Porygon-Z |
Gallade |
Probopass |
Dusknoir |
Froslass |
Rotom |
Uxie |
Mesprit |
Azelf |
Dialga |
Palkia |
Heatran |
Regigigas |
Giratina |
Cresselia |
Phione |
Manaphy |
Darkrai |
Shaymin |
Arceus |
Victini |
Snivy |
Servine |
Serperior |
Tepig |
Pignite |
Emboar |
Oshawott |
Dewott |
Samurott |
Patrat |
Watchog |
Lillipup |
Herdier |
Stoutland |
Purrloin |
Liepard |
Pansage |
Simisage |
Pansear |
Simisear |
Panpour |
Simipour |
Munna |
Musharna |
Pidove |
Tranquill |
Unfezant |
Blitzle |
Zebstrika |
Roggenrola |
Boldore |
Gigalith |
Woobat |
Swoobat |
Drilbur |
Excadrill |
Audino |
Timburr |
Gurdurr |
Conkeldurr |
Tympole |
Palpitoad |
Seismitoad |
Throh |
Sawk |
Sewaddle |
Swadloon |
Leavanny |
Venipede |
Whirlipede |
Scolipede |
Cottonee |
Whimsicott |
Petilil |
Lilligant |
Basculin |
Sandile |
Krokorok |
Krookodile |
Darumaka |
Darmanitan |
Maractus |
Dwebble |
Crustle |
Scraggy |
Scrafty |
Sigilyph |
Yamask |
Cofagrigus |
Tirtouga |
Carracosta |
Archen |
Archeops |
Trubbish |
Garbodor |
Zorua |
Zoroark |
Minccino |
Cinccino |
Gothita |
Gothorita |
Gothitelle |
Solosis |
Duosion |
Reuniclus |
Ducklett |
Swanna |
Vanillite |
Vanillish |
Vanilluxe |
Deerling |
Sawsbuck |
Emolga |
Karrablast |
Escavalier |
Foongus |
Amoonguss |
Frillish |
Jellicent |
Alomomola |
Joltik |
Galvantula |
Ferroseed |
Ferrothorn |
Klink |
Klang |
Klinklang |
Tynamo |
Eelektrik |
Eelektross |
Elgyem |
Beheeyem |
Litwick |
Lampent |
Chandelure |
Axew |
Fraxure |
Haxorus |
Cubchoo |
Beartic |
Cryogonal |
Shelmet |
Accelgor |
Stunfisk |
Mienfoo |
Mienshao |
Druddigon |
Golett |
Golurk |
Pawniard |
Bisharp |
Bouffalant |
Rufflet |
Braviary |
Vullaby |
Mandibuzz |
Heatmor |
Durant |
Deino |
Zweilous |
Hydreigon |
Larvesta |
Volcarona |
Cobalion |
Terrakion |
Virizion |
Tornadus |
Thundurus |
Reshiram |
Zekrom |
Landorus |
Kyurem |
Keldeo |
Meloetta |
Genesect |
Chespin |
Quilladin |
Chesnaught |
Fennekin |
Braixen |
Delphox |
Froakie |
Frogadier |
Greninja |
Bunnelby |
Diggersby |
Fletchling |
Fletchinder |
Talonflame |
Scatterbug |
Spewpa |
Vivillon |
Litleo |
Pyroar |
Flabébé |
Floette |
Florges |
Skiddo |
Gogoat |
Pancham |
Pangoro |
Furfrou |
Espurr |
Meowstic |
Honedge |
Doublade |
Aegislash |
Spritzee |
Aromatisse |
Swirlix |
Slurpuff |
Inkay |
Malamar |
Binacle |
Barbaracle |
Skrelp |
Dragalge |
Clauncher |
Clawitzer |
Helioptile |
Heliolisk |
Tyrunt |
Tyrantrum |
Amaura |
Aurorus |
Sylveon |
Hawlucha |
Dedenne |
Carbink |
Goomy |
Sliggoo |
Goodra |
Klefki |
Phantump |
Trevenant |
Pumpkaboo |
Gourgeist |
Bergmite |
Avalugg |
Noibat |
Noivern |
Xerneas |
Yveltal |
Zygarde |
Diancie |
Hoopa |
Volcanion |
Rowlet |
Dartrix |
Decidueye |
Litten |
Torracat |
Incineroar |
Popplio |
Brionne |
Primarina |
Pikipek |
Trumbeak |
Toucannon |
Yungoos |
Gumshoos |
Grubbin |
Charjabug |
Vikavolt |
Crabrawler |
Crabominable |
Oricorio |
Cutiefly |
Ribombee |
Rockruff |
Lycanroc |
Wishiwashi |
Mareanie |
Toxapex |
Mudbray |
Mudsdale |
Dewpider |
Araquanid |
Fomantis |
Lurantis |
Morelull |
Shiinotic |
Salandit |
Salazzle |
Stufful |
Bewear |
Bounsweet |
Steenee |
Tsareena |
Comfey |
Oranguru |
Passimian |
Wimpod |
Golisopod |
Sandygast |
Palossand |
Pyukumuku |
Komala |
Turtonator |
Togedemaru |
Bruxish |
Drampa |
Jangmo-o |
Hakamo-o |
Kommo-o |
Tapu Koko |
Tapu Lele |
Tapu Bulu |
Tapu Fini |
Cosmog |
Cosmoem |
Solgaleo |
Lunala |
Nihilego |
Buzzwole |
Pheromosa |
Xurkitree |
Celesteela |
Kartana |
Guzzlord |
Necrozma |
Marshadow |
Poipole |
Naganadel |
Stakataka |
Blacephalon |
Grookey |
Thwackey |
Rillaboom |
Scorbunny |
Raboot |
Cinderace |
Sobble |
Drizzile |
Inteleon |
Skwovet |
Greedent |
Rookidee |
Corvisquire |
Corviknight |
Wooloo |
Dubwool |
Toxel |
Toxtricity |
Sinistea |
Polteageist |
Hatenna |
Hattrem |
Hatterene |
Obstagoon |
Perrserker |
Cursola |
Sirfetch'd |
Mr. Rime |
Runerigus |
Falinks |
Stonjourner |
Morpeko |
Dreepy |
Drakloak |
Dragapult |
Zacian |
Zamazenta |
Zarude |
Regieleki |
Regidrago |
Sprigatito |
Floragato |
Meowscarada |
Fuecoco |
Crocalor |
Skeledirge |
Quaxly |
Quaxwell |
Quaquaval |
Lechonk |
Oinkologne |
Nymble |
Lokix |
Pawmi |
Pawmo |
Pawmot |
Tandemaus |
Maushold |
Fidough |
Dachsbun |
Smoliv |
Dolliv |
Arboliva |
Charcadet |
Armarouge |
Ceruledge |
Tadbulb |
Bellibolt |
Shroodle |
Grafaiai |
Wiglett |
Wugtrio |
Bombirdier |
Varoom |
Revavroom |
Greavard |
Houndstone |
Cetoddle |
Cetitan |
Annihilape |
Clodsire |
Frigibax |
Arctibax |
Baxcalibur |
Gimmighoul |
Gholdengo |
Pokémon groups
Legendary Pokémon • Mythical Pokémon • Ultra Beast • Shiny Pokémon • Lucky Pokémon • Shadow Pokémon • Region-exclusive Pokémon • Starter Pokémon • Baby Pokémon • Fossil Pokémon
List of Pokémon (by release date • by Pokédex data • by statistics • by evolution family • by gender ratio) • Pokémon with different forms • Pokémon with gender differences • List of Shiny Pokémon (Comparison)