Pokémon GO Wiki
Pokémon GO Wiki

Scizor is a Bug, Steel-type Pokémon from the Johto region. It evolves from Scyther after being fed 50 candies and given a Metal Coat. It can Mega Evolve into Mega Scizor initially after being given 200 Mega Energy. Kleavor is a member of Scyther's family, however these two Pokémon are not related with each other by evolution.

Pokédex description

Pincer Pokémon
Standard Pokédex description
Scizor has a body with the hardness of steel. It is not easily fazed by ordinary sorts of attacks. This Pokémon flaps its wings to regulate its body temperature.
- Scizor's cry
Mega Scizor Pokédex description
It stores the excess energy from Mega Evolution, so after a long time passes, its body starts to melt.
- Mega Scizor's cry

Possible attacks

Fast attacks

Icon Steel
10 (10) / 6
Icon Bug
4 (8) / 2

Charged attacks

Icon Steel
60 (30) / 70
Icon Dark
45 (23) / 50
Icon Grass
65 (33) / 65
Icon Bug
45 (30) / 65

Attack availability

Evolution family

Scizor is part of a two-member family.

#0123 Scyther
50  Scyther candy
Metal Coat
Arrow Dark
#0212 Scizor
200 Scizor mega energy Arrow Bothways Dark
Mega Scizor
#0900 Kleavor

#0123 Scyther
50  Scyther candy
Metal Coat
Arrow Dark
#0212 Scizor
200 Scizor mega energy Arrow Bothways Dark
Mega Scizor
#0900 Kleavor



Method Maximum CP Details
Emblem Raid
Raid Battles

(weather boosted)
Tier 3 CP 21,084

Visit List of Raid Bosses changes for complete appearance

RT-Icon Special-Stamp-1
Research tasks
1,286 Special Research/Timed Research:
Beloved Buddies Timed Research - Completing 3rd part
Shadow PokémonGO Tour 2024: It's About Time (and Space) - 3rd part: Evolve 3 Pokémon
A Drive to Investigate - Completing 3rd part
Collection Challenge:
Chrome Catch Collection Challenge
Bug Out Collection Challenge 3
Pokémon GO Tour: Johto – National Park

Mega Scizor

Scizor mega energy Mega Energy required:
Initial Base Mega Level High Mega Level Mega Level Max Mega Level Mega Level Mega Level
200 40 20 10

Energy Sources Details
Egg Raid Mega
Mega Raid Battles
Obtain Mega Energy from Mega Raid Battle
Boss CP 45,403

Catch CP 1,714/2,143 (weather boosted)
2023 Dec 1 - 9
2023 May 2 - 11
2022 Aug 10 - 18

RT-Icon Special-Stamp-1
Research tasks
Field Research:
25× - Power up Pokémon 10 times: Max Out
25× - Evolve 3 Steel-type Pokémon: Ultra Unlock: Strength of Steel
25× - Evolve 3 Pokémon: Bug Out 2024
50× - Evolve 2 Steel-type Pokémon: Test Your Mettle
Special Research/Timed Research:
50× - Bug Out! Catch Challenge
Collection Challenge:
100× - Chrome Catch Collection Challenge
50× - Bug Out Collection Challenge 3



  • Normally, evolved stages of Pokémon cannot be shiny in encounter screen, but after its Mega Evolution release, Scizor could.

External links

  • Scizor page, on the official Pokédex website
  • Scizor article, on Bulbapedia
  • Scizor article, on the Pokémon Wiki