Pokémon GO Wiki
Pokémon GO Wiki

Sacred Sword is a Fighting-type charged attack.

Pokémon with this attack[]

The following Pokémon are currently able to learn this attack.

Water   Fighting


The following Pokémon are only able to learn this attack in selected events or via an Elite Charged TM.

Steel   Fighting
Obtained during Mar 2020, Nov 2021, Dec 2022
Rock   Fighting
Obtained during Nov 2021, Dec 2022
Grass   Fighting
Obtained during Nov 2021, Dec 2022



  • This attack was initially spotted in the game data on September 26th, 2019.[1]
  • This attack was also spotted in the game data on October 1st, 2019.[2]


  1. PokeMiners. (2019, September, 26). new translations for: Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Horn Drill, Fissure, Sacred Sword. Discord. Retrieved on 2019-09-26.
  2. Chrales. (2019, October 1). new moves: Horn Drill, Fissure, Sacred Sword. Twitter. Retrieved on 2019-10-01.

External links[]

Bug Bug

Bug BuzzFell StingerLungeMegahornSignal BeamSilver WindX-Scissor

Dark Dark

Brutal SwingCrunchDark PulseDarkest LariatFoul PlayNight SlashObstructPayback

Breaking SwipeDraco MeteorDragon ClawDragon PulseOutrageRoar of TimeSpacial RendTwister

Aura WheelDischargeFusion BoltParabolic ChargeTechno BlastThunderThunder PunchThunderboltVolt TackleWild ChargeWildbolt StormZap Cannon

Dazzling GleamDisarming VoiceDraining KissMoonblastNature's MadnessPlay Rough

Aura SphereBrick BreakClose CombatCross ChopDrain PunchDynamic PunchFlying PressFocus BlastHigh Jump KickLow SweepPower-Up PunchSacred SwordSubmissionSuperpower

Fire Fire

Blast BurnBlaze KickFire BlastFire PunchFlame BurstFlame ChargeFlame WheelFlamethrowerFusion FlareHeat WaveMagma StormMystical FireOverheatSacred FireTechno BlastV-createWeather Ball

AcrobaticsAerial AceAeroblastAir CutterBleakwind StormBrave BirdDragon AscentDrill PeckFeather DanceFlyHurricaneOblivion WingSky Attack

Moongeist BeamNight ShadeOminous WindPoltergeistRage FistShadow BallShadow BoneShadow ForceShadow PunchShadow SneakSpirit Shackle

Energy BallFlower TrickFrenzy PlantGrass KnotLeaf BladeLeaf StormLeaf TornadoPetal BlizzardPower WhipSeed BombSeed FlareSolar BeamTrailblaze

Bone ClubBulldozeDigDrill RunEarth PowerEarthquakeHigh HorsepowerMud BombPrecipice BladesSand TombSandsear StormScorching Sands

Ice Ice

Aurora BeamAvalancheBlizzardGlaciateIce BeamIce PunchIcicle SpearIcy WindTechno BlastTriple AxelWeather Ball

Body SlamBoomburstFrustrationGiga ImpactHorn AttackHyper BeamHyper FangLast ResortReturnSkull BashStompStruggleSwiftTechno BlastTri AttackVise GripWeather BallWrap

Acid SprayCross PoisonGunk ShotPoison FangSludgeSludge BombSludge Wave

Future SightLuster PurgeMirror CoatMist BallPsybeamPsychicPsychic FangsPsycho BoostPsyshockPsystrikeSynchronoise

Rock Rock

Ancient PowerMeteor BeamPower GemRock BlastRock SlideRock TombRock WreckerStone EdgeWeather Ball

Doom DesireDouble Iron BashFlash CannonGyro BallHeavy SlamIron HeadMagnet BombMeteor MashMirror ShotSunsteel Strike

Aqua JetAqua TailBrineBubble BeamCrabhammerHydro CannonHydro PumpLiquidationMuddy WaterOctazookaOrigin PulseRazor ShellScaldSparkling AriaSurfTechno BlastWater PulseWeather Ball
