Pokémon GO Wiki
Pokémon GO Wiki

This page is the list of avatar items and poses released in 2021.

List of avatar items and poses by release date 2016201720182019202020212022202320242025

by category Group male posesGroup female poses PosesGroup hat HatsGroup acessories Accessories • (Group glasses GlassesGroup gloves GlovesGroup face FaceGroup necklace NecklaceGroup belt Belt) • Group shirts ShirtsGroup pants PantsGroup socks SocksGroup shoes ShoesGroup backpack BackpacksGroup sets Sets

January 4th[]

These avatar items based on T-shirts, hats, and backpacks from The North Face x Gucci Collection were available at over 100 PokéStops around the world, located at Gucci Pins, which are pop-up shops in select parks and stores. Later, the items could be acquire by any trainer by using a promo code (GXSD5CJ556NHG).[1]

February 14th[]

Munna avatar items were released at the start of Valentine's Day 2021.

Munna Top
Munna Top
PokeCoin 150
Munna Pants
Munna Pants
PokeCoin 150
Munna Top
Munna Top
PokeCoin 150
Munna Pants
Munna Pants
PokeCoin 150
Pink Beret
Pink Beret
PokeCoin 100
(male and female)
Grey Beret
Grey Beret
PokeCoin 100
(male and female)

February 20th[]

Shiny Mew Shirt and Kanto starters masks and jackets were released at the start of Pokémon GO Tour: Kanto.

Green version Cap
Green version Cap
PokeCoin ticketed
Green version Cap
Green version Cap
PokeCoin ticketed
Green Red Cap
Green Red Cap
PokeCoin ticketed
Red version Cap
Red version Cap
PokeCoin ticketed
Mew Shirt
Mew Shirt
PokeCoin ticketed
Mew Shirt
Mew Shirt
PokeCoin ticketed
Venusaur Jacket
Venusaur Jacket
PokeCoin 400
Venusaur Jacket
Venusaur Jacket
PokeCoin 400
Charizard Jacket
Charizard Jacket
Charizard Jacket
PokeCoin 400
Blastoise Jacket
Blastoise Jacket
Blastoise Jacket
PokeCoin 400
Grass-type Mask
Grass-type Mask
PokeCoin 100
Grass-type Mask
Grass-type Mask
PokeCoin 100
Fire-type Mask
Fire-type Mask
PokeCoin 100
Fire-type Mask
Fire-type Mask
PokeCoin 100
Water-type Mask
Water-type Mask
PokeCoin 100
Water-type Mask
Water-type Mask
PokeCoin 100

March 1st[]

Elesa avatar items were released at the start of GO Battle League Season 7.

Elesa Shirt
Elesa Shirt
Free + Legend rank
Elesa Shirt
Elesa Shirt
Free + Legend rank
Elesa Pants
Elesa Pants
Free + Legend rank
Elesa Hat
Elesa Hat
Free + Legend rank
(male and female)
Elesa Shoes
Elesa Shoes
Free + Legend rank
Elesa Shoes
Elesa Shoes
Free + Legend rank
Elesa Pose
Elesa Pose
Free + Legend rank
Elesa Pose
Elesa Pose
Free + Legend rank

March 24th[]

Spring-themed avatar items were released at the start of Weather Week 2021.

Minun Romper
Minun Romper
PokeCoin 100
Gulpin Romper
Gulpin Romper
PokeCoin 200

March 28th[]

Themed avatar items were released at the start of Festival of Colors 2021.

April 4th[]

Mega Lopunny items were released at the start of Spring into Spring 2021.

Mega Lopunny Outfit
Mega Lopunny Ears
Mega Lopunny Ears
PokeCoin 100
Mega Lopunny Shoes
Mega Lopunny Shoes
PokeCoin 100

April 20th[]

Sustainability shirt was released at the start of Sustainability Week 2021.

April 29th[]

Camera avatar item was released at the start of New Pokémon Snap Celebration.

GO Snapshot Camera
GO Snapshot Camera
(male and female)

May 24th[]

Sylveon-inspired avatar items were released at the start of Luminous Legends Y.

Sylveon Hoodie
Sylveon Hoodie
PokeCoin 200
Sylveon Hoodie
Sylveon Hoodie
PokeCoin 200
Sylveon Shoes
Sylveon Shoes
PokeCoin 100
Sylveon Shoes
Sylveon Shoes
PokeCoin 100
Sylveon Headband
Sylveon Headband
Sylveon Headband
PokeCoin 100

May 31st[]

Korrina avatar items were released at the start of GO Battle League Season 8.

Korrina Shirt
Korrina Shirt
Korrina Shirt
Free + Legend rank
Korrina Pants
Korrina Hat
Korrina Hat
Free + Legend rank
Korrina Hat
Korrina Hat
Free + Legend rank
Korrina Shoes
Korrina Shoes
Free + Veteran rank
Korrina Gloves
Korrina Gloves
Free + Ace rank
Korrina Gloves
Korrina Gloves
Free + Ace rank
Korrina Pose
Korrina Pose
Korrina Pose
Free + Legend rank

June 1st[]

Legendary Titans avatar items were released at the start of Season of Discovery.

Regirock Jacket
Regirock Jacket
PokeCoin 200
Regirock Jacket
Regirock Jacket
PokeCoin 200
Regirock Pants
Regirock Pants
PokeCoin 150
Regirock Pants
Regirock Pants
PokeCoin 150
Regirock Hat
Regirock Hat
PokeCoin 100
Regirock Hat
Regirock Hat
PokeCoin 100
Regirock Shoes
Regirock Shoes
PokeCoin 100
Regirock Shoes
Regirock Shoes
PokeCoin 100
Regice Jacket
Regice Jacket
PokeCoin 200
Regice Jacket
Regice Jacket
PokeCoin 200
Regice Pants
Regice Pants
PokeCoin 150
Regice Pants
Regice Pants
PokeCoin 150
Regice Hat
Regice Hat
PokeCoin 100
Regice Hat
Regice Hat
PokeCoin 100
Regice Shoes
Regice Shoes
PokeCoin 100
Regice Shoes
Regice Shoes
PokeCoin 100
Registeel Jacket
Registeel Jacket
Registeel Jacket
PokeCoin 200
Registeel Pants
Registeel Pants
PokeCoin 150
Registeel Pants
Registeel Pants
PokeCoin 150
Registeel Hat
Registeel Hat
PokeCoin 100
Registeel Hat
Registeel Hat
PokeCoin 100
Registeel Shoes
Registeel Shoes
PokeCoin 100
Registeel Shoes
Registeel Shoes
PokeCoin 100

June 8th[]

Slowpoke avatar items were released at the start of A Very Slow Discovery.

July 1st[]

Bidoof hat was released at the start of Bidoof Day.

Bidoof Hat
Bidoof Hat
Bidoof Hat
Bidoof Hat

July 11th[]

2021 Samsung items were released. The code KUAXZBJUTP3B7 was released to obtain the items.

2021 Samsung Shirt
2021 Samsung Shirt
2021 Samsung Hat
2021 Samsung Hat
2021 Samsung Hat

July 17th[]

Go Fest 2021 avatar items were released at the start of Pokémon GO Fest 2021 along with 3 Pokémon Shirts.

Go Fest 2021 Shirt
Go Fest 2021 Shirt
Whismur Shirt
Whismur Shirt
PokeCoin Free
Whismur Shirt
Whismur Shirt
PokeCoin Free
Loudred Shirt
Loudred Shirt
PokeCoin 200
Loudred Shirt
Loudred Shirt
PokeCoin 200
Exploud Shirt
Exploud Shirt
PokeCoin 200
Exploud Shirt
Exploud Shirt
PokeCoin 200
Pikachu Face Sticker
Pikachu Face Sticker
PokeCoin 50
(male and female)
Poké Ball Face Sticker
Poké Ball Face Sticker
PokeCoin 50
(male and female)
Meloetta Shirt
Meloetta Shirt
Free + Special research
Meloetta Shirt
Meloetta Shirt
Free + Special research
Iconic Pose
Iconic Pose
Free + Special research
Iconic Pose
Iconic Pose
Free + Special research
Rockin’ Pose
Rockin’ Pose
Free + Special research
Rockin’ Pose
Rockin’ Pose
Free + Special research

August 20th[]

Sword and Shield avatar items were released at the start of Ultra Unlock Part 3: Sword and Shield.

August 30th[]

Leon avatar items were released at the start of GO Battle League Season 9.

Leon Shirt
Leon Shirt
Free + Legend rank
Leon Shirt
Leon Shirt
Free + Legend rank
Leon Pants
Leon Pants
Free + Expert rank
Leon Pants
Leon Pants
Free + Expert rank
Leon Hat
Leon Hat
Free + Veteran rank
Leon Hat
Leon Hat
Free + Veteran rank
Leon Gloves
Leon Gloves
Free + Ace rank
Leon Gloves
Leon Gloves
Free + Ace rank
Leon Pose
Leon Pose
Free + Legend rank
Leon Pose
Leon Pose
Free + Legend rank

September 5th[]

Poké Ball Lift pose was released at the start of Hoopa's Arrival.

September 21st[]

New fashion avatar items were released at the start of Fashion Week 2021.

Genderless Shirt
Genderless Shirt
Genderless Shirt
PokeCoin 300
Genderless Skirt
Genderless Skirt
Genderless Skirt
PokeCoin 150
Round Sunglasses
Round Sunglasses
PokeCoin 100
(male and female)
Furfrou Wig
Furfrou Wig
Free + Timed Research
Hoopa Bangle
Hoopa Bangle
PokeCoin 100
(male and female)

October 1st[]

New explorer items were released at the start of Secrets of the Jungle Event 2021.

Adventure Hat
Adventure Hat
Adventure Hat
Adventure Hat

October 15th[]

New halloween items were released at the start of Halloween 2021.

Pumpkaboo Top
Pumpkaboo Top
PokeCoin 250
Pumpkaboo Top
Pumpkaboo Top
PokeCoin 250
Pumpkaboo Pants
Pumpkaboo Pants
PokeCoin 150
Pumpkaboo Pants
Pumpkaboo Pants
PokeCoin 150
Hoopa Headband
Hoopa Headband
PokeCoin 200
Hoopa Headband
Hoopa Headband
PokeCoin 200
Halloween Face Sticker
Halloween Face Sticker
PokeCoin 50
(male and female)

November 1st[]

New avatar items were released at the start of Día de Muertos.

November 5th[]

Dedenne items and Diwali shirt were released at the start of Festival of Lights 2021.

Diwali Shirt
Diwali Shirt
Diwali Shirt
Diwali Shirt
Dedenne Backpack
Dedenne Backpack
Dedenne Backpack
PokeCoin 200
Dedenne Hat
Dedenne Hat
PokeCoin 100
Dedenne Hat
Dedenne Hat
PokeCoin 100
Dedenne Sneakers
Dedenne Sneakers
Dedenne Sneakers
PokeCoin 150

November 16th[]

Sinnoh items were released at the start of Pokémon BD & SP Event.

Turtwig Costume
Turtwig Costume
PokeCoin 400
Chimchar Costume
Piplup Costume
Piplup Costume
PokeCoin 400
Sinnoh Top Set
Sinnoh Top Set
Sinnoh Top Set
Sinnoh Top Set
Sinnoh Pants
Sinnoh Pants
Sinnoh Skirt
Sinnoh Skirt
Sinnoh Hat
Sinnoh Hat
Sinnoh Hat
Sinnoh Hat
Sinnoh Backpack
Sinnoh Backpack
(male and female)
Sinnoh Shoes
Sinnoh Shoes
Sinnoh Boots
Sinnoh Boots

November 22nd[]

Ed Sheeran shirt was released at the start of Ed Sheeran Collaboration Event via VVM87WGMMUZHTB8X code.

Ed Sheeran Shirt
Ed Sheeran Shirt
Ed Sheeran Shirt

November 30th[]

Lysandre avatar items were released at the start of GO Battle League Season 10.

Lysandre Shirt
Lysandre Shirt
Free + Legend rank
Lysandre Pants
Lysandre Pants
Free + Expert rank
Lysandre Shoes
Lysandre Gloves
Lysandre Gloves
Lysandre Gloves
Free + Ace rank
Lysandre Pose
Lysandre Pose
Lysandre Pose
Free + Legend rank

December 1st[]

Deino hat was released at the start of Season of Heritage.

Deino Hat
Deino Hat
Free + Timed research
(male and female)

December 14th[]

Verizon Hat and Backpack were made available.[2]

Verizon Hat
Verizon Hat
Verizon Hat
Verizon Hat
Verizon Backpack
Verizon Backpack
Verizon Backpack

December 16th[]

Holiday items were released at the start of Holiday 2021.

Shirt Holiday
Shirt Holiday
PokeCoin 250
Shirt Holiday
Shirt Holiday
PokeCoin 250
Pants Holiday
Pants Holiday
PokeCoin 150
Pants Holiday
Pants Holiday
PokeCoin 150
Hat Holiday
Hat Holiday
PokeCoin 100
Hat Holiday
Hat Holiday
PokeCoin 100

December 31st[]

New Year items were released at the start of New Year's 2022.

Shirt 2022
Shirt 2022
Shirt 2022
Shirt 2022
Pants 2022
Pants 2022
Pants 2022
Pants 2022
Headband 2022
Headband 2022
Headband 2022
Headband 2022
Shoes 2022
Shoes 2022
Shoes 2022
Shoes 2022
Glasses 2022
Glasses 2022
Glasses 2022
Glasses 2022


List of avatar items and poses by release date 2016201720182019202020212022202320242025

by category Group male posesGroup female poses PosesGroup hat HatsGroup acessories Accessories • (Group glasses GlassesGroup gloves GlovesGroup face FaceGroup necklace NecklaceGroup belt Belt) • Group shirts ShirtsGroup pants PantsGroup socks SocksGroup shoes ShoesGroup backpack BackpacksGroup sets Sets