Hippowdon is a Ground-type Pokémon from the Sinnoh region. It evolves from Hippopotas after being fed 50 candies.
Pokédex description[]
Heavyweight Pokémon
It blasts internally stored sand from ports on its body to create a towering twister for attack.
► - Hippowdon's cry
Possible attacks[]
Fast attacks[]
Charged attacks[]
Attack availability[]
- Ice Fang, Thunder Fang: added on September 27th, 2019
- Weather Ball: added on May 31st, 2021
- Scorching Sands: added on September 1st, 2023
- Sand Attack: added on March 1st, 2024
Evolution family[]
Hippowdon is part of a two-member family.
- Hippowdon was released along with the release of Lure Modules as an evolution method on May 17th, 2019.
Shiny form of Hippowdon was released at the start of Sinnoh Celebration 2020 on February 7th, 2020.
Shadow form of Hippowdon was released at the start of Team GO Rocket Strikes on January 24th, 2022.
Method | Maximum CP | Details |
![]() Wild |
2,645 2,865 (weather boosted) |
In wild since 2019 May 17
![]() Raid Battles |
1,763 2,204 (weather boosted) |
Tier 3 CP 18,601
Visit List of Raid Bosses changes for complete appearance |
- Hippowdon is a tier 3 Raid Boss most recently. However, it used to be a tier 4 before.
External links[]
- Hippowdon page, on the official Pokédex website
- Hippowdon article, on Bulbapedia
- Hippowdon article, on the Pokémon Wiki
Bulbasaur |
Ivysaur |
Venusaur |
Charmander |
Charmeleon |
Charizard |
Squirtle |
Wartortle |
Blastoise |
Caterpie |
Metapod |
Butterfree |
Weedle |
Kakuna |
Beedrill |
Pidgey |
Pidgeotto |
Pidgeot |
Rattata |
Raticate |
Spearow |
Fearow |
Ekans |
Arbok |
Pikachu |
Raichu |
Sandshrew |
Sandslash |
Nidoran♀ |
Nidorina |
Nidoqueen |
Nidoran♂ |
Nidorino |
Nidoking |
Clefairy |
Clefable |
Vulpix |
Ninetales |
Jigglypuff |
Wigglytuff |
Zubat |
Golbat |
Oddish |
Gloom |
Vileplume |
Paras |
Parasect |
Venonat |
Venomoth |
Diglett |
Dugtrio |
Meowth |
Persian |
Psyduck |
Golduck |
Mankey |
Primeape |
Growlithe |
Arcanine |
Poliwag |
Poliwhirl |
Poliwrath |
Abra |
Kadabra |
Alakazam |
Machop |
Machoke |
Machamp |
Bellsprout |
Weepinbell |
Victreebel |
Tentacool |
Tentacruel |
Geodude |
Graveler |
Golem |
Ponyta |
Rapidash |
Slowpoke |
Slowbro |
Magnemite |
Magneton |
Farfetch'd |
Doduo |
Dodrio |
Seel |
Dewgong |
Grimer |
Muk |
Shellder |
Cloyster |
Gastly |
Haunter |
Gengar |
Onix |
Drowzee |
Hypno |
Krabby |
Kingler |
Voltorb |
Electrode |
Exeggcute |
Exeggutor |
Cubone |
Marowak |
Hitmonlee |
Hitmonchan |
Lickitung |
Koffing |
Weezing |
Rhyhorn |
Rhydon |
Chansey |
Tangela |
Kangaskhan |
Horsea |
Seadra |
Goldeen |
Seaking |
Staryu |
Starmie |
Mr. Mime |
Scyther |
Jynx |
Electabuzz |
Magmar |
Pinsir |
Tauros |
Magikarp |
Gyarados |
Lapras |
Ditto |
Eevee |
Vaporeon |
Jolteon |
Flareon |
Porygon |
Omanyte |
Omastar |
Kabuto |
Kabutops |
Aerodactyl |
Snorlax |
Articuno |
Zapdos |
Moltres |
Dratini |
Dragonair |
Dragonite |
Mewtwo |
Mew |
Chikorita |
Bayleef |
Meganium |
Cyndaquil |
Quilava |
Typhlosion |
Totodile |
Croconaw |
Feraligatr |
Sentret |
Furret |
Hoothoot |
Noctowl |
Ledyba |
Ledian |
Spinarak |
Ariados |
Crobat |
Chinchou |
Lanturn |
Pichu |
Cleffa |
Igglybuff |
Togepi |
Togetic |
Natu |
Xatu |
Mareep |
Flaaffy |
Ampharos |
Bellossom |
Marill |
Azumarill |
Sudowoodo |
Politoed |
Hoppip |
Skiploom |
Jumpluff |
Aipom |
Sunkern |
Sunflora |
Yanma |
Wooper |
Quagsire |
Espeon |
Umbreon |
Murkrow |
Slowking |
Misdreavus |
Unown |
Wobbuffet |
Girafarig |
Pineco |
Forretress |
Dunsparce |
Gligar |
Steelix |
Snubbull |
Granbull |
Qwilfish |
Scizor |
Shuckle |
Heracross |
Sneasel |
Teddiursa |
Ursaring |
Slugma |
Magcargo |
Swinub |
Piloswine |
Corsola |
Remoraid |
Octillery |
Delibird |
Mantine |
Skarmory |
Houndour |
Houndoom |
Kingdra |
Phanpy |
Donphan |
Porygon2 |
Stantler |
Smeargle |
Tyrogue |
Hitmontop |
Smoochum |
Elekid |
Magby |
Miltank |
Blissey |
Raikou |
Entei |
Suicune |
Larvitar |
Pupitar |
Tyranitar |
Lugia |
Ho-Oh |
Celebi |
Treecko |
Grovyle |
Sceptile |
Torchic |
Combusken |
Blaziken |
Mudkip |
Marshtomp |
Swampert |
Poochyena |
Mightyena |
Zigzagoon |
Linoone |
Wurmple |
Silcoon |
Beautifly |
Cascoon |
Dustox |
Lotad |
Lombre |
Ludicolo |
Seedot |
Nuzleaf |
Shiftry |
Taillow |
Swellow |
Wingull |
Pelipper |
Ralts |
Kirlia |
Gardevoir |
Surskit |
Masquerain |
Shroomish |
Breloom |
Slakoth |
Vigoroth |
Slaking |
Nincada |
Ninjask |
Shedinja |
Whismur |
Loudred |
Exploud |
Makuhita |
Hariyama |
Azurill |
Nosepass |
Skitty |
Delcatty |
Sableye |
Mawile |
Aron |
Lairon |
Aggron |
Meditite |
Medicham |
Electrike |
Manectric |
Plusle |
Minun |
Volbeat |
Illumise |
Roselia |
Gulpin |
Swalot |
Carvanha |
Sharpedo |
Wailmer |
Wailord |
Numel |
Camerupt |
Torkoal |
Spoink |
Grumpig |
Spinda |
Trapinch |
Vibrava |
Flygon |
Cacnea |
Cacturne |
Swablu |
Altaria |
Zangoose |
Seviper |
Lunatone |
Solrock |
Barboach |
Whiscash |
Corphish |
Crawdaunt |
Baltoy |
Claydol |
Lileep |
Cradily |
Anorith |
Armaldo |
Feebas |
Milotic |
Castform |
Kecleon |
Shuppet |
Banette |
Duskull |
Dusclops |
Tropius |
Chimecho |
Absol |
Wynaut |
Snorunt |
Glalie |
Spheal |
Sealeo |
Walrein |
Clamperl |
Huntail |
Gorebyss |
Relicanth |
Luvdisc |
Bagon |
Shelgon |
Salamence |
Beldum |
Metang |
Metagross |
Regirock |
Regice |
Registeel |
Latias |
Latios |
Kyogre |
Groudon |
Rayquaza |
Jirachi |
Deoxys |
Turtwig |
Grotle |
Torterra |
Chimchar |
Monferno |
Infernape |
Piplup |
Prinplup |
Empoleon |
Starly |
Staravia |
Staraptor |
Bidoof |
Bibarel |
Kricketot |
Kricketune |
Shinx |
Luxio |
Luxray |
Budew |
Roserade |
Cranidos |
Rampardos |
Shieldon |
Bastiodon |
Burmy |
Wormadam |
Mothim |
Combee |
Vespiquen |
Pachirisu |
Buizel |
Floatzel |
Cherubi |
Cherrim |
Shellos |
Gastrodon |
Ambipom |
Drifloon |
Drifblim |
Buneary |
Lopunny |
Mismagius |
Honchkrow |
Glameow |
Purugly |
Chingling |
Stunky |
Skuntank |
Bronzor |
Bronzong |
Bonsly |
Mime Jr. |
Happiny |
Chatot |
Spiritomb |
Gible |
Gabite |
Garchomp |
Munchlax |
Riolu |
Lucario |
Hippopotas |
Hippowdon |
Skorupi |
Drapion |
Croagunk |
Toxicroak |
Carnivine |
Finneon |
Lumineon |
Mantyke |
Snover |
Abomasnow |
Weavile |
Magnezone |
Lickilicky |
Rhyperior |
Tangrowth |
Electivire |
Magmortar |
Togekiss |
Yanmega |
Leafeon |
Glaceon |
Gliscor |
Mamoswine |
Porygon-Z |
Gallade |
Probopass |
Dusknoir |
Froslass |
Rotom |
Uxie |
Mesprit |
Azelf |
Dialga |
Palkia |
Heatran |
Regigigas |
Giratina |
Cresselia |
Phione |
Manaphy |
Darkrai |
Shaymin |
Arceus |
Victini |
Snivy |
Servine |
Serperior |
Tepig |
Pignite |
Emboar |
Oshawott |
Dewott |
Samurott |
Patrat |
Watchog |
Lillipup |
Herdier |
Stoutland |
Purrloin |
Liepard |
Pansage |
Simisage |
Pansear |
Simisear |
Panpour |
Simipour |
Munna |
Musharna |
Pidove |
Tranquill |
Unfezant |
Blitzle |
Zebstrika |
Roggenrola |
Boldore |
Gigalith |
Woobat |
Swoobat |
Drilbur |
Excadrill |
Audino |
Timburr |
Gurdurr |
Conkeldurr |
Tympole |
Palpitoad |
Seismitoad |
Throh |
Sawk |
Sewaddle |
Swadloon |
Leavanny |
Venipede |
Whirlipede |
Scolipede |
Cottonee |
Whimsicott |
Petilil |
Lilligant |
Basculin |
Sandile |
Krokorok |
Krookodile |
Darumaka |
Darmanitan |
Maractus |
Dwebble |
Crustle |
Scraggy |
Scrafty |
Sigilyph |
Yamask |
Cofagrigus |
Tirtouga |
Carracosta |
Archen |
Archeops |
Trubbish |
Garbodor |
Zorua |
Zoroark |
Minccino |
Cinccino |
Gothita |
Gothorita |
Gothitelle |
Solosis |
Duosion |
Reuniclus |
Ducklett |
Swanna |
Vanillite |
Vanillish |
Vanilluxe |
Deerling |
Sawsbuck |
Emolga |
Karrablast |
Escavalier |
Foongus |
Amoonguss |
Frillish |
Jellicent |
Alomomola |
Joltik |
Galvantula |
Ferroseed |
Ferrothorn |
Klink |
Klang |
Klinklang |
Tynamo |
Eelektrik |
Eelektross |
Elgyem |
Beheeyem |
Litwick |
Lampent |
Chandelure |
Axew |
Fraxure |
Haxorus |
Cubchoo |
Beartic |
Cryogonal |
Shelmet |
Accelgor |
Stunfisk |
Mienfoo |
Mienshao |
Druddigon |
Golett |
Golurk |
Pawniard |
Bisharp |
Bouffalant |
Rufflet |
Braviary |
Vullaby |
Mandibuzz |
Heatmor |
Durant |
Deino |
Zweilous |
Hydreigon |
Larvesta |
Volcarona |
Cobalion |
Terrakion |
Virizion |
Tornadus |
Thundurus |
Reshiram |
Zekrom |
Landorus |
Kyurem |
Keldeo |
Meloetta |
Genesect |
Chespin |
Quilladin |
Chesnaught |
Fennekin |
Braixen |
Delphox |
Froakie |
Frogadier |
Greninja |
Bunnelby |
Diggersby |
Fletchling |
Fletchinder |
Talonflame |
Scatterbug |
Spewpa |
Vivillon |
Litleo |
Pyroar |
Flabébé |
Floette |
Florges |
Skiddo |
Gogoat |
Pancham |
Pangoro |
Furfrou |
Espurr |
Meowstic |
Honedge |
Doublade |
Aegislash |
Spritzee |
Aromatisse |
Swirlix |
Slurpuff |
Inkay |
Malamar |
Binacle |
Barbaracle |
Skrelp |
Dragalge |
Clauncher |
Clawitzer |
Helioptile |
Heliolisk |
Tyrunt |
Tyrantrum |
Amaura |
Aurorus |
Sylveon |
Hawlucha |
Dedenne |
Carbink |
Goomy |
Sliggoo |
Goodra |
Klefki |
Phantump |
Trevenant |
Pumpkaboo |
Gourgeist |
Bergmite |
Avalugg |
Noibat |
Noivern |
Xerneas |
Yveltal |
Zygarde |
Diancie |
Hoopa |
Volcanion |
Rowlet |
Dartrix |
Decidueye |
Litten |
Torracat |
Incineroar |
Popplio |
Brionne |
Primarina |
Pikipek |
Trumbeak |
Toucannon |
Yungoos |
Gumshoos |
Grubbin |
Charjabug |
Vikavolt |
Crabrawler |
Crabominable |
Oricorio |
Cutiefly |
Ribombee |
Rockruff |
Lycanroc |
Wishiwashi |
Mareanie |
Toxapex |
Mudbray |
Mudsdale |
Dewpider |
Araquanid |
Fomantis |
Lurantis |
Morelull |
Shiinotic |
Salandit |
Salazzle |
Stufful |
Bewear |
Bounsweet |
Steenee |
Tsareena |
Comfey |
Oranguru |
Passimian |
Wimpod |
Golisopod |
Sandygast |
Palossand |
Pyukumuku |
Komala |
Turtonator |
Togedemaru |
Bruxish |
Drampa |
Jangmo-o |
Hakamo-o |
Kommo-o |
Tapu Koko |
Tapu Lele |
Tapu Bulu |
Tapu Fini |
Cosmog |
Cosmoem |
Solgaleo |
Lunala |
Nihilego |
Buzzwole |
Pheromosa |
Xurkitree |
Celesteela |
Kartana |
Guzzlord |
Necrozma |
Marshadow |
Poipole |
Naganadel |
Stakataka |
Blacephalon |
Grookey |
Thwackey |
Rillaboom |
Scorbunny |
Raboot |
Cinderace |
Sobble |
Drizzile |
Inteleon |
Skwovet |
Greedent |
Rookidee |
Corvisquire |
Corviknight |
Wooloo |
Dubwool |
Toxel |
Toxtricity |
Sinistea |
Polteageist |
Hatenna |
Hattrem |
Hatterene |
Obstagoon |
Perrserker |
Cursola |
Sirfetch'd |
Mr. Rime |
Runerigus |
Falinks |
Stonjourner |
Morpeko |
Dreepy |
Drakloak |
Dragapult |
Zacian |
Zamazenta |
Zarude |
Regieleki |
Regidrago |
Sprigatito |
Floragato |
Meowscarada |
Fuecoco |
Crocalor |
Skeledirge |
Quaxly |
Quaxwell |
Quaquaval |
Lechonk |
Oinkologne |
Nymble |
Lokix |
Pawmi |
Pawmo |
Pawmot |
Tandemaus |
Maushold |
Fidough |
Dachsbun |
Smoliv |
Dolliv |
Arboliva |
Charcadet |
Armarouge |
Ceruledge |
Tadbulb |
Bellibolt |
Shroodle |
Grafaiai |
Wiglett |
Wugtrio |
Bombirdier |
Varoom |
Revavroom |
Greavard |
Houndstone |
Cetoddle |
Cetitan |
Annihilape |
Clodsire |
Frigibax |
Arctibax |
Baxcalibur |
Gimmighoul |
Gholdengo |
Pokémon groups
Legendary Pokémon • Mythical Pokémon • Ultra Beast • Shiny Pokémon • Lucky Pokémon • Shadow Pokémon • Region-exclusive Pokémon • Starter Pokémon • Baby Pokémon • Fossil Pokémon
List of Pokémon (by release date • by Pokédex data • by statistics • by evolution family • by gender ratio) • Pokémon with different forms • Pokémon with gender differences • List of Shiny Pokémon (Comparison)