Pokémon GO Wiki
Pokémon GO Wiki
Pokémon GO Wiki

Evolution is a game mechanic that allows Trainer to make Pokémon stronger and more advanced by feeding it with certain amounts of Candy. Evolved Pokémon generally has higher CP and HP, making them a more valuable for battles.


Pokémon Evolution in progress

Evolving Pokémon[]

To evolve Pokémon, player needs to:

  1. select a Pokémon to evolve from their Pokémon collection page White Button Pokemon
  2. in Pokémon's summary page tap on the Evolve button.

Evolution costs[]

Every Pokémon that can evolve requires certain amounts of Candy to be evolved. There are some other Pokémon that require Evolution Items, special actions, Lure Modules, or actions performed as Buddy Pokémon.


There are several patterns for Candy costs regarding the number of members of each Pokémon family.

  • The most common patterns for evolution families:
    • When Pokémon have only two stages of evolution in its family, a second form costs 50 Candies to evolve from a first one.
    • When Pokémon have three stages of evolution in its family, a second form costs 25 Candies to evolve from a first one, and a third form costs 100 Candies to evolve from second one.
  • Patterns for evolution families which Baby Pokémon were added to:
    • When Pokémon has Baby Pokémon introduced that makes its one-stage Pokémon family a two-stage one. A second form costs 50 Candies to evolve from a first one (Baby Pokémon).
    • When Pokémon has Baby Pokémon introduced that makes its two-stage Pokémon family a three-stage one. A second form costs 25 Candies to evolve from a first one (Baby Pokémon) and third form costs 50 Candies to evolve from a second one.
      • Only exception here is Marill family, as the costs of evolution into Azumarill from Marill and Marill from Azurill are 25 Candies each.
  • Patterns for evolution families which trade evolutions were added:
    • When Pokémon is part of two-stage evolution family, a second form costs 200 Candies to evolve from an untraded first one .
    • When Pokémon is part of three-stage evolution family, a second form costs 50 Candies to evolve from a first one regardless of if it has been traded, and a third form costs 200 Candies to evolve from a second one that has never previously been traded.
      • Three-stage evolution families with trade evolutions that existed in game prior to the introduction of trade evolutions (Machop, Abra, Geodude, and Gastly families) maintain their previous Candy evolution costs: a second form still only costs 25 Candies to evolve from a first one regardless of it has been traded, and a third form still only costs 100 Candies to evolve from second one that has never previously been traded.
  • Patterns for evolution families of the most common Pokémon:
    • When Pokémon is part of two-stage evolution family, a second form costs 25 Candies to evolve from a first one.
      • It applies to common Pokémon such as Rattata and Sentret and Pokémon that have branched evolution families such as Eevee and Tyrogue.
    • When Pokémon is part of three-stage evolution family, a second form costs 12 Candies to evolve from a first one, and a third form costs 50 Candies to evolve from a second one.
  • Patterns for special evolution family:

Evolution Items[]

There are several Pokémon that requires special Evolution Items in addition to Candies to evolve. There are currently eight Evolution Items: Sun Stone, King's Rock, Metal Coat, Dragon Scale, Up-Grade, Sinnoh Stone, Unova Stone and Gimmighoul Coins. It is always just one evolution item required to perform singular evolution.

Evolutions Item Required
Gloom Arrow Dark Bellossom Sun Stone Sun Stone
Sunkern Arrow Dark Sunflora Sun Stone Sun Stone
Cottonee Arrow Dark Whimsicott Sun Stone Sun Stone
Petilil Arrow Dark Lilligant Sun Stone Sun Stone
Helioptile Arrow Dark Heliolisk Sun Stone Sun Stone
Poliwhirl Arrow Dark Politoed King's Rock King's Rock
Slowpoke Arrow Dark Slowking King's Rock King's Rock
Onix Arrow Dark Steelix Metal Coat Metal Coat
Scyther Arrow Dark Scizor Metal Coat Metal Coat
Seadra Arrow Dark Kingdra Dragon Scale Dragon Scale
Porygon Arrow Dark Porygon2 Up-Grade Up-Grade
Lickitung Arrow Dark Lickilicky Sinnoh Stone Sinnoh Stone
Rhydon Arrow Dark Rhyperior Sinnoh Stone Sinnoh Stone
Tangela Arrow Dark Tangrowth Sinnoh Stone Sinnoh Stone
Electabuzz Arrow Dark Electivire Sinnoh Stone Sinnoh Stone
Magmar Arrow Dark Magmortar Sinnoh Stone Sinnoh Stone
Porygon2 Arrow Dark Porygon-Z Sinnoh Stone Sinnoh Stone
Togetic Arrow Dark Togekiss Sinnoh Stone Sinnoh Stone
Aipom Arrow Dark Ambipom Sinnoh Stone Sinnoh Stone
Yanma Arrow Dark Yanmega Sinnoh Stone Sinnoh Stone
Murkrow Arrow Dark Honchkrow Sinnoh Stone Sinnoh Stone
Misdreavus Arrow Dark Mismagius Sinnoh Stone Sinnoh Stone
Gligar Arrow Dark Gliscor Sinnoh Stone Sinnoh Stone
Sneasel Arrow Dark Weavile Sinnoh Stone Sinnoh Stone
Piloswine Arrow Dark Mamoswine Sinnoh Stone Sinnoh Stone
Kirlia (Male) Arrow Dark Gallade Sinnoh Stone Sinnoh Stone
Roselia Arrow Dark Roserade Sinnoh Stone Sinnoh Stone
Dusclops Arrow Dark Dusknoir Sinnoh Stone Sinnoh Stone
Snorunt (Female) Arrow Dark Froslass Sinnoh Stone Sinnoh Stone
Pansage Arrow Dark Simisage Unova Stone Unova Stone
Pansear Arrow Dark Simisear Unova Stone Unova Stone
Panpour Arrow Dark Simipour Unova Stone Unova Stone
Munna Arrow Dark Musharna Unova Stone Unova Stone
Minccino Arrow Dark Cinccino Unova Stone Unova Stone
Eelektrik Arrow Dark Eelektross Unova Stone Unova Stone
Lampent Arrow Dark Chandelure Unova Stone Unova Stone
Gimmighoul Arrow Dark Gholdengo Gimmighoul Coins Gimmighoul Coins
(Does not require Candy)


These Pokémon require certain distance walked as a Buddy Pokémon in addition to Candies in order to be evolved:

Evolutions Distance
Woobat Arrow Dark Swoobat 1 km
Hisuian Sneasel Arrow Dark Sneasler 7 km
(evolved at Day)
Eevee Arrow Dark Espeon 10 km
(evolved at Day)
Eevee Arrow Dark Umbreon 10 km
(evolved at Night)
Mime Jr. Arrow Dark Mr. Mime 15 km
Bonsly Arrow Dark Sudowoodo 15 km
Happiny Arrow Dark Chansey 15 km
Feebas Arrow Dark Milotic 20 km
Pawmo Arrow Dark Pawmot 25 km

These Pokémon require other evolution requirements performed as a Buddy Pokémon in addition to Candies in order to be evolved:

Evolutions Requirement
Primeape Arrow Dark Annihilape Defeat 30 Ghost- or Psychic-type Pokémon
Galarian Slowpoke Arrow Dark Galarian Slowbro Catching 30 Poison-type Pokémon
Galarian Slowpoke Arrow Dark Galarian Slowking Catching 30 Psychic-type Pokémon
Galarian Farfetch'd Arrow Dark Sirfetch'd Make 10 Excellent Throws
Hisuian Qwilfish Arrow Dark Overqwil Winning 10 raids
Galarian Yamask Arrow Dark Runerigus Winning 10 raids
Pancham Arrow Dark Pangoro Catching 32 Dark-type Pokémon
Spritzee Arrow Dark Aromatisse Using 1 Incense-type item
(including Mystery Box, Coin Bag, and Daily Adventure Incense)
Swirlix Arrow Dark Slurpuff Feed 25 Treats
Eevee Arrow Dark Sylveon Earning 70 hearts
(equivalent to reaching Great Buddy from zero hearts)
Floette Arrow Dark Florges Earning 20 hearts
Charcadet Arrow Dark Armarouge Defeat 30 Psychic-type Pokémon
Charcadet Arrow Dark Ceruledge Defeat 30 Ghost-type Pokémon

Time-based evolutions[]

Several Pokémon can only evolve during a certain time of day. Daytime evolutions can also occur when Sunsteel Strike's Adventure Effect is active, and nighttime evolutions can also occur when Moongeist Beam's Adventure Effect is active.

Evolutions Time
Eevee Arrow Dark Espeon Day
(also requires 10 km walked as a Buddy Pokémon)
Hisuian Sneasel Arrow Dark Sneasler Day
(also requires 7 km walked as a Buddy Pokémon)
Tyrunt Arrow Dark Tyrantrum Day
Rockruff Arrow Dark Midday Form Lycanroc Day
Yungoos Arrow Dark Gumshoos Day
Fomantis Arrow Dark Lurantis Day
Cosmoem Arrow Dark Solgaleo Day
Rockruff Arrow Dark Dusk Form Lycanroc Dusk
(5 p.m. - 7 p.m. local time)
Eevee Arrow Dark Umbreon Night
(also requires 10 km walked as a Buddy Pokémon)
Amaura Arrow Dark Aurorus Night
Rockruff Arrow Dark Midnight Form Lycanroc Night
Cosmoem Arrow Dark Lunala Night
Ursaring Arrow Dark Ursaluna Night
(only during full moon)

Lure Modules[]

Other than the ordinary Lure Modules, other advanced versions require certain Pokémon to evolve when Trainer is within the range of the PokéStop under effect.

Evolutions Lure Module
Eevee Arrow Dark Glaceon Glacial Lure Module Glacial Lure Module
Crabrawler Arrow Dark Crabominable Glacial Lure Module Glacial Lure Module
Eevee Arrow Dark Leafeon Mossy Lure Module Mossy Lure Module
Magneton Arrow Dark Magnezone Magnetic Lure Module Magnetic Lure Module
Nosepass Arrow Dark Probopass Magnetic Lure Module Magnetic Lure Module
Charjabug Arrow Dark Vikavolt Magnetic Lure Module Magnetic Lure Module
Sliggoo Arrow Dark Goodra Rainy Lure Module Rainy Lure Module
(can also evolve anywhere during Rainy Weather)

Trade evolution[]

Since January 10th, 2020, certain Pokémon result in no Candy cost to evolve if they were previously traded.[1] They are:

The dagger (†) denotes that these Pokémon are part of three-stage evolution forms, where the trade evolution benefit applied only for their second to third from. However, trading the first form applies to the benefit for their next evolution; for example, upgrading a traded Machop to Machoke requires standard 25 Candies, but upgrading further to Machamp will require no Candy.

Special actions[]

Evolving Inkay Arrow Dark Malamar requires the mobile device to be turned upside down.

Pokémon families[]

Main article: List of Pokémon families

Each Pokémon is a member of a Pokémon family (also known as evolutionary line). It is basically a group of Pokémon that are related with each other as one of such Pokémon evolve into or from another.

Pokémon evolution families can range between a single to three-stage evolutions, but there can also be more than three members within a family, as some of Pokémon families might be branched.

Mega Evolution[]

Main article: Mega Evolution

Mega Evolution was announced and released in 2020.[2] It is a temporary form change requiring Mega Energy. Pokémon are more powerful when Mega-Evolved. Mega Evolution provides other bonuses to gameplay.


  • Unlike the main series games, Pokémon evolved in Pokémon GO do not have their currently learnt attacks persist through evolution. Evolving a Pokémon will cause its attacks to be rerolled with the new evolution's standard attack pool.
  • On the official support page for Pokémon GO, Deepsea Scale and Deepsea Tooth used to be mentioned.[3]
    • In the main series games, these items required to evolve Clamperl into either Huntail or Gorebyss respectively.
    • This concept was scrapped. The evolution of Clamperl is finally decided to be random.
  • It was also stated there that Feebas would be required to be walked a minimum of 20 km as Buddy Pokémon, before it had been released to the gameplay.[3]
  • Searching the phrase "evolve" in Pokémon collection search return the list of all Pokémon with enough amount of Candies to be evolved.
  • Every Pokémon gives back 1 of its Candy type when evolved. So for example, if a player has 23 Pidgey Candies and 2 Pidgey (which need 12 Candies to be evolved) they can evolve both of them, as the first one gives back 1 Candy and then the player still has 12 remaining. After evolving both Pidgey, there will still be 1 Candy remaining.
  • Pokémon can be evolved at any health, even when fainted. After evolving, the new Pokémon would be at full health.


External links[]
