Astral Eclipse
Event location
Global London, Uk and Los Angeles, US
Start date
November 23rd , 2022, 10:00 a.m. (local time) November 26th , 2022, 6:00 p.m. (local time) - Ultra Beast Arrival November 27th , 2022, 11:00 a.m. (local time) - Ultra Beast Arrival Global
End date
November 28th , 2022, 8:00 p.m. (local time) November 27th , 2022, 8:00 p.m. (local time) - Ultra Beast Arrival November 27th , 2022, 5:00 p.m. (local time) - Ultra Beast Arrival Global
Astral Eclipse was an event in Pokémon GO . There was also two additional parts of the event named Ultra Beast Arrival: Global and regional Ultra Beast Arrival in Los Angeles, US, and London, UK.[1] [2]
Features [ ]
Themed Pokémon spawns increased
Themed Pokémon spawns increased
Featured Pokémon [ ]
These Pokémon were released at the start of the event:
These Pokémon had increased spawn rates in the wild and from Incense or Lure Modules . Lunatone and Solrock appeared worldwide.
These Raid Bosses were available during the event:
Boss CP 3,151Max capture CP 684 855
Boss CP 3,886Max capture CP 718 898
Boss CP 3,886Max capture CP 718 898
Boss CP 2,903Max capture CP 529 662
Boss CP 3,118Max capture CP 543 679
Boss CP 16,253Max capture CP 1,384 1,730
Boss CP 18,606Max capture CP 1,561 1,951
Boss CP 16,865Max capture CP 1,608 2,010
Boss CP 48,499Max capture CP 2,256 2,821
Boss CP 41,693Max capture CP 1,505 1,882
Field Research event tasks [ ]
Special Research [ ]
The ninth part of the A Cosmic Companion Special Research was released in this event.
Main article: A Cosmic Companion
Collection Challenge [ ]
Avatar items [ ]
Ultra Beast Arrival Global [ ]
Receive up to five free
Raid Passes from spinning
Gym Photo Discs during the event and up to two hours afterward
Receive up to five free Raid Passes from spinning Gym Photo Discs during the event and up to two hours afterward
Available by redeeming codes throughout the day:
Exclusive medal available
Exclusive medal available
Ultra Beast Arrival
November 26, 2022
Featured Pokémon [ ]
These Raid Bosses were available during the event:
Boss CP 48,499Max capture CP 2,256 2,821
Boss CP 26,545Max capture CP 1,650 2,062
The Americas:
Boss CP 44,654Max capture CP 1,977 2,472
Boss CP 40,539Max capture CP 1,624 2,030
Boss CP 53,279Max capture CP 2,249 2,812
Northern Hemisphere:
Boss CP 58,102Max capture CP 2,101 2,626
Southern Hemisphere:
Boss CP 39,774Max capture CP 1,772 2,216
These Pokémon had increased spawn rates around the Gym that hosted the Ultra Beast raid for a short duration:
Timed Research [ ]
Ultra Beast Arrival Timed Research was available during the event until 6 p.m. local time:
Collection Challenge [ ]
An extra Collection Challenge was available by redeeming special codes throughout the day. These codes also awarded the exclusive medal. To complete the Collection Challenge, Trainer must obtain these Pokémon during the event:
Global Challenge [ ]
From November 21st to 26th Trainers around the world could combine efforts to reap additional rewards for the event.
Region and Goal
Lure Module via a bundle in the in-game shop
Lure Module via a bundle in the in-game shop
Beast Balls when facing Ultra Beasts
Beast Balls when facing Ultra Beasts
Shop special offer [ ]
These offers were available from the shop since November 25th .[3]
Master Raid Box
Ultra Raid Box
Ultra Beast Arrival (local) [ ]
Receive up to five free
Raid Passes from spinning
Gym Photo Discs during the event and up to two hours afterward
Receive up to five free Raid Passes from spinning Gym Photo Discs during the event and up to two hours afterward
Featured Pokémon [ ]
These Raid Bosses were available during the event:
Boss CP 48,499Max capture CP 2,256 2,821
Boss CP 26,545Max capture CP 1,650 2,062
Boss CP 44,654Max capture CP 1,977 2,472
Boss CP 40,539Max capture CP 1,624 2,030
Boss CP 53,279Max capture CP 2,249 2,812
Boss CP 58,102Max capture CP 2,101 2,626
Boss CP 39,774Max capture CP 1,772 2,216
Special Research [ ]
Ultra Beast Arrival Special Research was available during the event:
Spin the Gym marked "Ultra Wormhole"
Timed Research [ ]
Collection Challenge [ ]
To complete the Collection Challenge, Trainer must obtain these Pokémon during the event:
To be added
Gallery [ ]
Infographic Astral Eclipse
File 01- UB-01 SYMBIONT
Nihilego promotional video
File 02- UB-02 BEAUTY
Pheromosa promotional video
Buzzwole promotional video
File 04- UB-03 LIGHTING
Xurkitree promotional video
File 06- UB-04 BLASTER -Shorts
Celesteela promotional video
File 07- UB-04 BLADE - UB-05 GLUTTON
Guzzlord and Kartana promotional video
Guzzlord promotional video
Trivia [ ]
The Ultra Beast Arrival medal is stated to be November 26, 2022 even if it was obtained via the global event.
References [ ]