Wikia Pokemon Go
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Bulbasaur candy

Bulbasaur specific candy.

Candy is a consumable, Pokémon-related resource that can be used to power up and evolve Pokémon. Candy is acquired by capturing Pokémon (3 for first evolution form, 5 for second evolution form, 10 for last evolution form), or by hatching eggs (various amounts).


Pokémon power-up[]

Candies are used to power up Pokémon, which may cost from 1 to 15 pieces of candy, depending on what level certain Pokémon is.

Pokémon evolution[]

Candies can be also used to evolve Pokémon that are capable of evolving. Evolving a Pokemon can cost 12 to 400 pieces of candy.


The type of candy the player receives is specific to the Pokémon, e.g., capturing or hatching a Pikachu  will give trainer Pikachu candy. Transferring spare Pokémon to Professor Willow will also give trainer Pokémon-specific candy (one per transfer), so if you're looking to evolve one, make sure to capture lots of duplicates.


Each evolutionary line has its own candy type. There are currently over 125 different types of candy. Each one represents the base form and is identified by its primary and secondary colors.


  • During the Halloween 2016 Event, candy for hatching, catching or transferring Pokemon was doubled while Buddy Pokémon found candy at a quarter of their required distance.
  • During the 2017 Valentine's Day Event, candy for hatching, catching or transferring Pokemon was doubled, and Buddy Pokémon found candy at half their required distance
  • During Adventure Week Buddy Pokémon found candy at a quarter of their required distance.
  • During the Halloween 2017 Event, candy for hatching, catching or transferring Pokemon was doubled as well, and Buddy Pokémon found candy at half their required distance.

