Did 5 Raids and got this on my 4th one!
Will be very useful for Fire type showcases! No shinies though.
Special Research that need Ditto include A Mythical Discovery and Let's Go, Meltan!
There are currently no Field Research tasks that can give Ditto.
If you want to catch a Ditto, catch every wild Oddish, Koffing, Rhyhorn, Goldeen, Spinarak, Numel, Bidoof, Gothita, Solosis, Bergmite, and Stufful you see.
Not like I can participate in Kingler Battle Day. No one around here does the GMax Raids.
Here's everything I got.
Did 5 Raids and got this on my 4th one!
Will be very useful for Fire type showcases! No shinies though.
My second new shiny costume in this event.
@Toad etoad It has less Defense than a Caterpie with the same HP. It does hit way harder than a Caterpie, but that's not a huge deal as you can still deal enough damage to solo it.
@TheOfficialGamingDoge Stufful is 400 Candy and Wooper had a Paldean form. Silicobra is neither of those, so until we get 50 Candy 2 stage with no regional form Community Days, it's not happening.
Applin and Coalossal could also be Wild Area mascots (Grass/Dragon and Rock/Fire themed events). Silicobra is a 2 stage Ground type so it's unlikely to be either Community Day or Wild Area.
I would have caught it if it was.
@TheOfficialGamingDoge Yeah I have a Male one
In addition to these, at GO Fest 2023 I could have caught a Female Shiny Pikachu with the Emerald Crown, but it was the end of the hour and I let it turn into this Horsea.
@SinisterSpirit4562 Yes. The Swords of Justice are the three musketeers of the Pokémon world.
Either the genies or musketeers will spawn in the wild probably (I feel like the musketeers more likely).
@FireSkeleton888 Johto had Raikou, Entei, and Suicune. Sinnoh had Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf. Hoenn had either Latias or Latios depending on which medal you picked (if you didn't pick a medal, you saw different spawns like Beldum).
If I get a Shiny Shadow Ho-Oh that could be Purified for a Hundo, I probably won't purify until I get another Shiny Shadow Ho-Oh.
Lucky Trinket is accurate too. Also February Community Day I heard is Karrablast probably Shelmet is involved too.
I still don't have a Shundo. I have some close ones, but not 100%.