I just did a shadow raid and got this
I just did a shadow raid and got this
I am catching quite some shadow , and I am transferring those who have worst ivs (almost all of them have worst ivs so I am transferring them all) is there anything I can do to improve this or it is what it is?
It was on 2023 April 1 where i made a joke that I used 'cheat' in Pokemon go (but I didn't) , it's been an year but I still miss the feature of raids in that server is there any way to contact them and give an apology and join back the server?
@InevitaPICKLE But this video tells to keep Feebas because its a good Pokemon.
I am new to the game and i am looking to power up 3pokemon for Pvp is so which pokemon should i spend my star dust on
Like 1 Rock type , 1 fighting type and 1 dark type.
Thanks , iv is not matter to me i will keep them as long as they are 2 star or 3 star IV.
I have Hatched All my Eggs from gifts and Poke stops , and I do not know which pokemon is really worth upgrading so I need your help!!
I am new to this game and few days ago a woman in a balloon appeared and fight, I defeated her very easily and a different pokemon called shadow appeared !
What shall i do is it really worth it ?
Well i am new to the game and i saw a video about Mew that its only able to be caught in Japan , Is that true ?
And i also heard that Mew is no longer available , Is that also true ?
If so how do I get Mew ?
The second one
No its some four leg pokemon i think its Eve
Yeah today i caught a Ditto which assumed itself as an Eve, later it was a normal Ditto,
I am kinda disappointed by it. Because i have only one Eve So far and I am new to game.
Wait , ditto only become shiny after caught!!
So, i might be confused by it then, It must be a normal Ditto
I mean i catch it with my ball and it came out of my ball and ran away
I saw one Shiny Ditto but it ran away :(