My Charizard is a Hundo Level 50.
Also got a Shiny Sableye during Spotlight Hour and hatched my 8th Toxel from my final Wild Area egg!
My Charizard is a Hundo Level 50.
Also got a Shiny Sableye during Spotlight Hour and hatched my 8th Toxel from my final Wild Area egg!
On Day Two I started with a random Shiny Wimpod in the last half hour before the event started. Then I got 13 more shinies throughout the day including my second Shiny Pikachu Pop Star, my first Shiny Unovan Stunfisk, a Shiny Dynamax Amped Form Toxtricity, and my first Shiny Venipede which is a really elusive one for me. I got a total of 36 shinies (35 if you do not include Wimpod) between the 2 days. The only wild ones I still don't have are 2 more Venipede and a Mareanie (I got a Shiny Toxapex before I got a Shiny Mareanie).
I ultimately ended up with 5 Shiny Skrelp being the most common Shiny I got during the event. I didn't have any before this event.
I got 2 Hundo Mightys on Day 2 (Venusaur and Electivire) adding to my Hundo Galvantula on Day 1.
I also got a Nundo Alolan Geodude!
I caught 37 Mighty Pokémon on Day 2 bringing me up to a total of 68 across both days.
I caught all of these in GO Safari Balls and even cleared out my Research stack which had several Costume Pokémon and dated back to April 2023!
I hatched a total of 7 Toxel from the start of Into the Wild to the end of GO Wild Area. I hatched about 110 eggs total this week.
I walked 75 KM this week with half of that being during GO Wild Area!
Lastly I caught a Groudon with a background to match my Kyogre with the background!
Was a really fun event although I had to buy Pokémon storage upgrades 4 times to hold all of these. Maybe I will delete unnecessary Pokémon later.
22 Shinies including Mighty Tyrantrum, Mighty Galvantula, Mighty Toxapex, Low Key Toxtricity with Background, and Pikachu Pop Star from Collection Challenge!!! Also got my first three Shiny Skrelp. Only shinies I still need in the wild are Stunfisk, Mareanie, and 3 Venipede.
I caught 29 Mighty Pokémon including a Hundo Galvantula!
I caught a 14 15 15 Galarian Zapdos with a Safari Ball!!! Another Galarian Zapdos spawned afterwards but it still broke out and ran despite Excellent Safari Ball throw.
I caught and held onto (for now) 65 Pokémon in Safari Balls. I made sure to use all my Safari Balls before they expired I got like over 200 today. I also caught some stuff in my Research stack like Costume Pokémon.
I also did a Kyogre raid in-person as other people were doing it and it had a background!
Also 4 different Toxtricity with backgrounds: Shiny Low Key, regular Low Key, Dynamax Amped, and regular Amped. Felt like it was 50/50 for backgrounds today (5/9 eligible Pokémon had it) but was probably just my luck.
Hatched 4th Toxel. Still 2 stars.
Walked 19 KM today, at least that's what my phone tracked. It died a few times so it was probably closer to 20 KM. Typical for these kinds of events.
Really fun day even with most of the shinies being ones I own, I got some really cool ones. Excited for tomorrow.
Only took me 5 event eggs to hatch a Toxel and it was a Shiny!!!
I now have a very rare shiny, for a little while anyways.
The 12 KMs were mostly Pawniard and Pancham and one Deino. 10 Kms were 2 Goomy and a Frigibax. Funny the Shiny Pawniard egg was from when I defeated Cliff last night. Lucked out I guess. Hope I didn't use up Shiny Toxel luck.
Already walked 9 KM today which is only a fraction of what I will walk at Wild Area (probably 40 KM+).
Also I extended my Daily Incense, Star Piece, and Lucky Egg for about an hour with Roar of Time and made about 350k Experience!
Lastly, Shiny Illumise in the wild!